Monday, June 6, 2011

The Weekend

I just returned from a camping trip up north with the guys. Chris calls it “Man Weekend.” It fits. It is a nice getaway without the wife and kids. Not that I need to get away from the wife as she is on the other side of the planet, but a nice getaway nonetheless. On the ride up I received half-dozen phone calls concerning a power loss at work, login issues, what’s-the-combination stuff, and general Friday fire issues. The further I got the less the calls came and eventually I was just thinking about relaxing with a beer by the fire.

When I arrived I was stopped on the trail by a large truck in the way. I got out saying hello and suddenly feeling faint. It seems that several billion mosquitoes also came to say hello to me, while draining me of blood. I leapt back in the car and grabbed a can of Deep Woods Off. This was the cancer-is-in-your-future kind, not the get cancer now stuff. It worked for awhile. Once in camp I soon realized the older tougher mosquitoes like the taste of off and seem to seek it out. We eventually just drank until we didn’t notice the mosquitoes. That was the best solution.

I realized Monday morning that I have quite a few mosquito bites on the bottom of my feet. Those mosquitoes earned that blood.

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