Sunday, March 11, 2012


Tile work Sucks.

Saturday morning I went to Home Depot and rented a tile cutter.  I wanted to get the tile in the bathroom done.  That ended up being a bigger headache then I thought.  I should start by saying I have no idea what I am doing.  I have seen tile work done on the home shows.  That is the extent of my training and familiarity with tile work.  I knew enough from reading to understand I would need time and patience.  Neither of which I am very blessed with.  Halfway through the wall I realized the tile cutter wasn’t going to cut it.  It had an arm that would not let me use the guide on 12 x 24 inch tiles.  I ended up buying a wet saw that looked more like a table saw.  I should have done that from the beginning.  Cutting tile to fit around the window was a special trip into hell.  A simple “L” shape shouldn’t be that hard.  It is with Porcelain tile.  I should also point out that Saturday might have hit a high of 40 degrees.  It was also windy.  As I worked the various angles trying to fit around my rental saw I slowly realized my hands were numb. 
See the window - not fun.

Good times.

With the new saw I was able to move quicker.  I ended up stopping for the night when I couldn’t see anymore.  Dark + diamond blade = bloody stumps for fingers.

Had to stop here.  No more light.


I had to go grocery shopping and run a couple of errands to keep things moving in the right direction at home.  I was looking at a one-piece, dual-flush toilet at Costco.  I didn’t buy it right away as it had been there for awhile.  So I thought I would pick it up today.  Of course it wasn’t there and I can’t find it online. 

This ate a couple of hours off of work time.  Plus I had to stop to run Jason to his friend’s house at 2pm so they could work on a school project.  Luckily they dropped him off later.  Today was almost 70 degrees.  No more hyperthermia and frostbitten fingers!  I only got the second wall done.  I have the wall with the showerhead and faucet left.  I am dreading cutting holes in the pieces of tile.  I am guessing that will not be easy.  I also ran out of adhesive.   Instead of mixing the thin-set, the kind folks at Home Depot recommended a premixed adhesive.  This stuff was ultra sticky which helped with sag.  Plus it dries waterproof.  I picked up two gallons thinking that would do it.  I didn’t think I would use the economical 3 gallon bucket.  I am out and will be buying my third gallon.

That little bit of wall was 6 hours in the making.

Go me!

When we redo the basement I see solid surface in our future.

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