Saturday, November 23, 2019

Sad and Judgy

Before anyone gets all sad that Christine is deploying to a war zone and must be far away from her family, blah blah blah, she starts out her deployment with a girl’s week in El Paso, Texas. I know, right now your saying “How could you let her go to El Paso unsupervised!” “Don’t you know what kind of shenanigans middle aged people get into in El Paso?” “I’ll bet right now she is at a Margareta bar trying to figure out how many she can have while still maintaining her ability to order another one!”
I get it but she is an adult and her friend Jodi is there to talk her into only having one more. And, Jodi’s daughter Megan is there to drive them both to the next bar. So, don’t worry. 
Also, Chris will be doing Army training to prepare for the upcoming deployment.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Here we go again...

Ten years later my wife is heading back to the wonderful world of the deployed Army Corps of Engineers in Afghanistan. So, I decided to dust off the old blog and have at it again. 

Some things have changed which should make things easier but who knows. I am about to find out. Since Jason is now a Marine and Sam can drive, I am hoping it will be smoother on the home front.