Saturday, November 12, 2011

This weekend looks better for bathroom remodeling.  Since I had Friday off for Veterans Day and the kids still had school, I had a lot of time to get stuff done.  I was able to connect the drains for the tub and sink.  The toilet will wait till I am closer to tiling as I don’t want to break the flange.  On the second try no water leaked.  There is one fitting that is not glued, just tightened.  It wasn’t tight enough.  Second time was a charm.  Making the drain lines larger was definitely the right move.  Water rushed out of the tub so fast I don’t believe we will have any standing water issues.
The Inspector

Tub drain - Check

Much larger sink drain.

The nut part leaked.  Once it was tight, all was good.

I wired up the light and plug in the bathroom.  I had all kinds of problems and came close to electrocuting myself twice.  It turns out what I thought were hot wires wasn’t.  In fact the line I thought was live was dead-ended in an electrical outlet in the next room.  It was just dumb luck that I hadn’t grabbed the live wire on accident.  I saw a cut in the wire so I decided to replace it.  As I chased it back I found the ends taped together in the plug box in the next room.  I have been connecting these wires as if they were live for a while.  This means the plug in the spare room had hot wires just sitting in there.

Before - Old wire on far right.

All better.

This gave me a chance to remove some old wiring.  I found another line just sitting there going to who knows where.  It runs into the attic so I cannot chase it.  I cut and taped the wires so they cannot touch each other.  (Mike Holmes would not be happy)  So I spent much longer than necessary hooking up a fan and a light.  In the end it worked out.  Today I am hoping to get furring strips up so I can put cement board on the walls.  The strips keep the walls level.  Then I can attack the supply side of the shower plumbing.  


Who’s idea was this again?

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